Saturday, September 18, 2010

Welcome One and All

Welcome students, teachers, and friends to the Teaching ePortfolio! I am building a personal database of lesson plans, grading rubrics, surveys, and reflections to document and make use of my time as a first-year English teacher in Vietnam.

First, a little on my developing teaching philosophy: I believe that education should be collaborative. My materials build off of many that have come before, and I will try to give credit where credit is due (starting with Stephen C. who had the idea for a blog). I believe that education should be transparent, in the sense that students can understand the big picture of how and why they are learning, and teachers have processed enough to be able to give it to them. And I believe that education should be student-centered: taking into account different goals, limitations, and learning styles, and working with or around them to inform, inspire, and empower students.

By no means an expert educator, I am excited to share my stops, starts, and growth. Curl up and dig in--to what I hope will be useful, interesting, and maybe even fun. Enjoy!

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