Friday, September 24, 2010

Level B: Conversation 1.1

Post-Class Feedback Survey:

The faculty class went really well yesterday, despite my concerns. The level was right on target according to post-class surveys, and people had many chances to listen and speak during the class. Students will be stretched in different ways: some will stretch for basic understanding, others will stretch to apply sentence structures to other things, and all will stretch to work together. My goal is to have them talking to each other as much as possible, so that they begin to see English as a communicative tool, not just with the rare foreigner, but with colleagues and peers (particularly when their fields deal extensively with English).

Faculty members really enjoyed moving around the room and talking to each other in English (activity 2). It was a low-stress way to apply the sentence frameworks and support each others' growth. Working in groups and presenting ideas to the class (activity 3) was effective, as well. The Dicto-Comp (activity 4) was too challenging for most students, probably because the vocabulary was advanced, the passage was long, and it was the first time doing a dicto-comp exercise. Nevertheless, I explained the concept of learning styles afterward by acting and asked students to talk to a partner about what their learning style might be (a substitution for activity 5, the journal).

It was energizing to see how students' confidence has grown already, particularly two of the most beginner students. Today one presented in front of the class and the other came up and asked what I thought was the most important thing for an English student to do: both very bold moves. Woo!

Last but not least, a self-evaluation:

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